Cs go nosteam servers patch
Cs go nosteam servers patch

Increased minimum distance from the center of a smoke grenade volume in which a player's view will be completely obscured by smoked.The overall shape is now round and no longer square. Smoke volumes are now more consistently shaped with the particles more evenly distributed.Fixed smoke grenades popping again when thrown into more than one molotov fire in a row.Fixed a bug related to purchasing armor.Fixed vote accounting in cases when players disconnect while the vote is in progress.In Official Competitive matchmaking, if any player has not connected by the end of warmup, they will receive an abandon and the match will be aborted.In Official Competitive matchmaking, the initial warmup timer will now start at 5min and reduce to 30s when the last player connects.Fixed players being able to climb down elevator shaft.Closed off dumpster in chokepoint near bombsite B.Added bomb teleport trigger to prevent bomb falling out of playable area.Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck.

cs go nosteam servers patch

  • Enabled collision on arch corners (Thanks NBK!).
  • Prop doors (prop_door_rotating) that are in the process of opening or closing can be checked to see if they are "Locked" and if so, ignore player +use.
  • Bot maximum vision distance can be set per-map by "Bot max vision distance" in info_map_parameters.
  • Bots no longer see through tools/toolsblock_los func_brushes (npc line-of-sight blockers).
  • This is intended to be used in player-inaccessible areas where a dropped bomb cannot be retrieved.
  • Added a new trigger (trigger_bomb_reset) that teleports dropped bombs back to a valid in-play position.
  • Fixed scoreboard mouse input when watching gotv.
  • Fixed chat window scroll bars getting stuck at the top/bottom.
  • Added saving of inventory sort and filter dropdowns.
  • Fixed uninitialized scorecard for competitive matches being visible.
  • 'cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding +jump'). The option has a few presets but any command may be set using the convar cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding directly (e.g.
  • The options menu now has a setting for specifying which command will enable the mouse on the scoreboard.
  • Hold off on updating your instances of 740. WARNING (for CS:GO server ops): SourceMod is BROKEN as of this update.

    cs go nosteam servers patch

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    Cs go nosteam servers patch